On the Pulse

Ideal for: Secondary teachers that want a sound grammar and vocabulary teaching approach but at the same time want their students to develop key life skills.

On the Pulse is a new dynamic, four-level series for teenage learners in the 21st century. Up-to-date topics in texts and videos, multiple opportunities for reflection on language and cultural comparison, a clear focus on vocabulary and grammar, systematic recycling and integration, and a design that is both modern and clear guarantee learning for all students!

On the Pulse promotes learner autonomy by encouraging students to take an active role in their own learning. New vocabulary and grammar are presented in context following an inductive approach and skills are developed step-by-step, allowing students to understand what they are supposed to do at each stage.

On the Pulse also places high importance on developing learning strategies. The ‘Learning to Learn’ sections provide useful learning ideas, while the ‘Comparing Languages’ sections encourage students to reflect on the differences between their own language and English.

Key Features

- Coverage of all curriculum requirements

-  Workbook integrated with the Student’s Book


- An Online Skills Centre where Students’ digital competences are fostered through Web Quests in each unit, two Collaborative Projects per level and access to more digital material;  an Online Teacher's Centre that provides you with the e-teacher's kit.

- Pulse magazine pages provide texts for extra reading

- A ‘Creative corner’ section fosters students’ development of literary and creative writing competences.


Niveles: Starter - 1 - 2 - 3

Alcance: Beginners - Pre-Int

Carga horaria: 1-3 horas semanales.

Editorial: Macmillan Publishers

For Students

Student's Book includes:

- Magazine

- Practice Online

- Activities

For Teachers

Teacher's Guide CDs

Class Audio CDs